Hello Universe: Self-Compassion

10 Oct

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to bring my attention to this week.  I did quite well staying focused and maintaining some discipline in the past week, but part of me kept saying that a week, even a successful week, isn’t enough.  It can’t possibly be a habit yet, can it?  What if it’s just a fluke and I haven’t really made any progress?

Fortunately the larger part of me had the sense to remember that I am after progress, not perfection.  No, a week isn’t long enough to turn a goal into a habit, but that was never the point.  The point was to try being more focused and disciplined and not only did I try, I did quite nicely.  I was tempted to make this week’s goal “smothering my Voice of Defeat with a pillow,” but I had a better idea.

What I Want

I want to learn self-compassion.  I actually had to do a little research for this because I’ve never really thought about it before, and the best definition I found is from The Free Dictionary:

“Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.”
Except before I can truly offer compassion others, I need to learn to offer it to myself.  If I’m trying to connect with others, I need to have a compassionate connection with myself.

The Potential I Can See

I think learning to treat myself with compassion will help me with most of my current goals.

  • It will help me connect with others, and form healthy, loving relationships.
  • I’ll learn to compassionately acknowledge the problem, instead of completely over-thinking it.
  • It will help me be less judgmental about my original core story, making it easier for me to let go and build something better.
  • I’m trying to create a career, prepare to leave Spokane, and a few other adventures.  It won’t always go as planned, and learning compassion will help me treat myself with care and kindness so I can continue to progress, even after failure.

My Commitment

I commit to paying attention to these signs from that I’m being more critical than is necessary:

  • Comparing myself to others and putting myself down
  • Giving up on doing something because I feel it’s hopeless
  • Worrying about what might happen in the future
  • Being a perfectionist

I commit to trying to remember these steps to empathy from Ode Magazine:

  1. Just like me, this person is seeking happiness in his/her life.
  2. Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in his/her life.
  3. Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and despair.
  4. Just like me, this person is seeking to fill his/her needs.
  5. Just like me, this person is learning about life.


Are you offering yourself compassion?  Here’s a test to evaluate how self-compassionate you are.  Any advice for being more compassionate, both toward myself or others?

7 Responses to “Hello Universe: Self-Compassion”

  1. Camilla October 10, 2011 at 2:47 AM #

    Good post. I can relate. I scored pretty low on the self-compassion test 😦
    Guess I have some more inner work to do!

    • Jill October 10, 2011 at 10:53 PM #

      It seems like there’s always more work to do. At least this goal means we have to try to be patient with ourselves.


  1. WEverb11: Yours, Mine, Ours « Real Live Revolution - December 1, 2011

    […] core story, examining my beliefs and making room for a little more faith in myself, a little more self-compassion.  It has not been an easy year, but last December I recognized that I had a lot of work to do if I […]

  2. 3 Quick Tips to Cultivate Emotional Awareness « Real Live Revolution - October 21, 2011

    […] why would we turn that burden into a habit?  Instead, note your feelings, offer yourself some compassion, and move on.  Do not get caught up in negative […]

  3. Hello Universe: Emotional Awareness « Real Live Revolution - October 15, 2011

    […] very pleased with how well I did practicing compassion this week.  These weekly goals are very helpful for me; they give me a way to focus without […]

  4. Love vs. Compassion « Real Live Revolution - October 14, 2011

    […] been thinking about love and compassion this week.  After some thought, I don’t think love for other people can be unconditional.  […]

  5. Banishing Negative Self-Talk « Real Live Revolution - October 13, 2011

    […] these rather toxic thoughts ties in with this week’s goal of self-compassion.  I’m following three simple steps to rewrite this particular aspect of my core […]

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